Source code for meteofrance_publicapi.observations

"""The interface for the observational data from the meteo-France API.

See :
from io import StringIO
import logging

import pandas as pd
from .core import MeteoFranceAPI

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    "lat": "latitude",
    "lon": "longitude",
    "t": "temperature_K",
    "u": "relative_humidity_%",
    "dd": "wind_direction_deg",
    "ff": "wind_speed_m_s-1",
    "t_10": "temperature_10cm_K",
    "t_20": "temperature_20cm_K",
    "t_50": "temperature_50cm_K",
    "t_100": "temperature_100cm_K",
    "vv": "visibility_m",
    "n": "nebulosity_%",
    "insolh": "sunshine_duration_min",
    "ray_glo01": "global_radiation_J_m-2",

    "dxi10": "mean_wind_gust_direction_deg",
    "fxi10": "mean_wind_gust_speed_m_s-1",
    "rr_per": "precipitation_6min_mm",
    "pres": "pressure_Pa",
    "pmer": "pressure_sea_level_Pa",
    "eta_sol": "status_code",
    "sss": "snow_depth_m",
 "td": "dew_point_temperature_K",
 "tx": "max_temperature_K",
    "tn": "min_temperature_K",
    "ux": "max_relative_humidity_%",
    "un": "min_relative_humidity_%",
    "dxy": "max_wind_gust_direction_deg",
    "fxy": "max_wind_gust_speed_m_s-1",
    "dxi": "wind_direction_deg",
    "fxi": "wind_speed_m_s-1",
    "rr1": "precipitation_1h_mm",


[docs] class Observations(MeteoFranceAPI): """Wrapper around the meteo-France API for the observational data. It wrapps both the "station" and "paquet" endpoints. Ressources are: - list_stations - /station/horaire - /station/infrahoraire-6m - /paquet/infrahoraire-6m - /paquet/horaire - /paquet/stations/infrahoraire-6m - /paquet/stations/horaire Documentation ------------- See: - - """ base_url = "" version = "v1" def __init__( self, api_key: str | None = None, token: str | None = None, application_id: str | None = None, ): super().__init__(api_key, token, application_id)
[docs] def list_stations(self): """Liste the available stations. Returns: -------- pd.DataFrame: a DataFrame with the list of stations. """ url = self.base_url + self.version + "/liste-stations" logger.debug(f"GET {url}") res = self._get_request(url) csv_sting = res.text data = pd.read_csv(StringIO(csv_sting), sep=";", dtype=str) numerical_columns = ["Latitude", "Longitude", "Altitude"] data[numerical_columns] = data[numerical_columns].apply(pd.to_numeric) datetime_columns = ["Date_ouverture"] data[datetime_columns] = data[datetime_columns].apply(pd.to_datetime) return data
[docs] def get_station_horaire(self, station_id: str, datetime: str | None = None, rename_columns: bool = True,): """Get the hourly data for a given station. Parameters: ----------- station_id: str the id of the station datetime: str the date of the data, in the format ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ) format: {"json", "csv", "geojson"} the format of the data. Returns: -------- pd.DataFrame: a DataFrame with the data. """ url = self.base_url + self.version + "/station/horaire" params = {"id_station": station_id, "format": "csv"} if datetime is not None: params["datetime"] = datetime logger.debug(f"GET {url}") req = self._get_request(url, params=params) csv_sting = req.text data = pd.read_csv(StringIO(csv_sting), sep=";") if rename_columns: data = data.rename(columns=NAME_EXPLICIT_EN_COMMON) data = data.rename(columns=NAME_EXPLICIT_EN_HOURLY) return data
[docs] def get_station_6min(self, station_id: str, datetime: str | None = None, rename_columns: bool = True): """Get the 6min data for a given station. Parameters: ----------- station_id: str the id of the station datetime: str the date of the data, in the format ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ) format: {"json", "csv", "geojson"} the format of the data. Returns: -------- pd.DataFrame: a DataFrame with the data. """ url = self.base_url + self.version + "/station/infrahoraire-6m" params = {"id_station": station_id, "format": "csv"} if datetime is not None: params["datetime"] = datetime logger.debug(f"GET {url}") req = self._get_request(url, params=params) csv_sting = req.text data = pd.read_csv(StringIO(csv_sting), sep=";") if rename_columns: data = data.rename(columns=NAME_EXPLICIT_EN_COMMON) data = data.rename(columns=NAME_EXPLICIT_EN_6min) return data